In silico study in toxicity parameters of Pigment Derivated Compounds of Monascus sp. mold as a cervical anti-cancer drugs candidate
Toxicity prediction is very important for the development and design of new drugs because computational toxicity estimates are not only faster than the determination of toxic doses in animals, but can also help reduce the number of animal trials. The test uses pkCSM, Protox II, Toxtree, preADMET and T.E.S.T. From the results of research that has been carried out on 57 pigment derivated compounds of Monascus sp. mold, the results of the pkCSM application are 39 test compounds for the Protox-II application there is 1 compound, the Toxtree application produces 1 compound, for the PreADMET application 4 safe compounds are produced, and for the T.E.S.T application produces 1 compound because it fulfills one of the aspects of ICH (International Conference on Harmonization) S9: non-clinical evaluation for anticancer pharmaceutical 2010 and has the potential as a candidate for anticancer drugs.
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