Analysis of time exposure to DNA touch quality on face shield using STR CODIS – TH01 and D18S51
A number of countries, including Indonesia, have taken preventive measures and made efforts to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19. The impact of government policies is felt in the economic sector, which causes many people to lose their jobs but is required to meet the needs of daily life. This affects the increase in crime rates during the pandemic, which coincides with the government's policy to implement health protocols by using face shields outside the home. This allows the discovery of evidence in the form of a face shield to be identified through DNA touch. This type of research is experimental analytic with a time-series design. This study aims to analyze the effect of exposure to the environmental temperature range of 28.2 oC - 29.3 oC and humidity range of 88 - 94.2% on the quality of DNA touch on the face shield by giving the 1st, 7th, and 14th-day duration treatment using STR CODIS. TH01 and D18S5. The result is an effect of prolonged exposure time on DNA quality, as evidenced by the Anova test with p < 0.05.
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