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A simple and quick isolation method to obtain a huge number of fibroblasts like mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord

Pages 60-64


In this publication, we have developed a simple and quick isolation method of stem cells from the umbilical cord. Usually, the umbilical cord is a waste product during the child delivery procedure, but the umbilical cords contain valuable stem cells called mesenchymal stroma stem cells (also called MSCs), which can be the basis for different applications e.g., testing the effect of therapeutic compounds as well as the development of therapeutic applications for the cure of degenerative diseases like bone and cartilage related. These stem cells can be used to create new artificial organs too. The umbilical cord was cut with sterile scissors into small pieces (1-2 mm size) and these pieces were placed on 6 well culture plates. The cell culture media was added to these plates after 5-10 minutes placing these plates in a CO2 incubator.  The successful growth of cells was observed after 7 days in wells, where pieces of umbilical cord were implanted. Microscopic observations show how the cells are oozing out from these pieces. These cells were isolated and passaged further. These adhere to the plastic surface, were fibroblast shaped, and were isolated successfully in different experiments.

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How to Cite This

Bhatia, S. (2022). A simple and quick isolation method to obtain a huge number of fibroblasts like mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord. Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium, 11(2), 60–64. https://doi.org/10.29238/teknolabjournal.v11i2.385

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