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The potential of Aloe vera gel as an alternative inductor in platelet aggregation test: POTENSI GEL LIDAH BUAYA SEBAGAI INDUKTOR ALTERNATIF PADA PEMERIKSAAN AGREGASI TROMBOSIT

Pages 33-40


Platelet aggregation tests are crucial for evaluating platelet function, with inductors being substances that stimulate the aggregation process. The use of ADP (adenosine diphosphate) as an inductor has the disadvantage of being costly and difficult to obtain. Aloe vera, a plant native to Africa, has been widely used for wound healing and therefore has the potential to serve as an alternative inductor agent. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Aloe vera gel as a platelet inductor compared to the ADP reagent using the Velaskar method. This research began with the preparation of fresh Aloe vera to obtain Aloe vera gel. Venous blood was then collected from 16 participants for the platelet aggregation test. The test was divided into two groups: the ADP group (addition of ADP) and the Aloe vera group (addition of Aloe vera gel). The final step involved analyzing the results of platelet aggregation statistically using the Independent Sample T-test. The average percentage of platelet aggregation with ADP and Aloe vera gel was 88.2 ± 5.6% and 85.7 ± 5.4%, respectively. Independent Sample T-test analysis showed no significant difference between the percentage of platelet aggregation with ADP and Aloe vera gel. In conclusion, Aloe vera gel has the potential to be an alternative platelet inductor. Some benefits of Aloe vera gel include its ability to induce platelets similarly to ADP, its application not affecting the morphology of erythrocytes, and its economical and practical nature (as it does not require elaborate preparation). However, a disadvantage is that pure Aloe vera gel contains several components that may affect its performance as an inductor.

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How to Cite This

Putri, G. S. A., & Sukeksi, A. (2023). The potential of Aloe vera gel as an alternative inductor in platelet aggregation test: POTENSI GEL LIDAH BUAYA SEBAGAI INDUKTOR ALTERNATIF PADA PEMERIKSAAN AGREGASI TROMBOSIT . Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium, 12(1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.29238/teknolabjournal.v12i1.392

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