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Potential dyes from edible mushrooms for human health

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Pages 101-112


Colors (dyes or pigments) have been applied in many sectors of human life, such as textile industries, food, and medicine, thus becoming a crucial factor that cannot be neglected. The origin of color can be obtained from nature or synthetic sources. Nowadays, synthetic colors are used more often than natural ones. However, the use of synthetic colors needs to be considered as they have the potential to cause health problems and contribute to waste issues. On the other hand, natural color sources are dominated by the plant kingdom, such as mushrooms, which are advantageous for health, more economical, and environmentally friendly. The method used in this review was to explore the literatures that discus dyes or pigments from macro fungi or mushrooms. Furthermore, the dyes or pigments were classified from edible or medicinal mushroom, then dyes or pigments were categorized based on their chemical structure. Mushrooms of various genera and species produce different colors that belong to constituent melanin, terpenoids, carotenoids, quinone, styrylpyrone, azulene, and pteridine. Therefore, natural colors are very promising for application in human health, due to their active compounds potency as anticancer, anti-HIV, antioxidant, and antimicrobial. In addition, pigments containing azulene structures from mushrooms are developed as solar cells and UV protection.

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How to Cite This

Budipramana, K., Ratih, R., & Budi Pramana, Y. (2024). Potential dyes from edible mushrooms for human health. Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium, 12(2), 101–112. https://doi.org/10.29238/teknolabjournal.v12i2.456

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